Cave – Sump
Dear 2,000,000 inhabitants of the Edwards Aquifer, this is where your water comes from. The EAA’s immersive 3d virtual tour begins in daylight near the pit entrance and ends here — the sump — the beginning of the Edwards Aquifer.
Dear 2,000,000 inhabitants of the Edwards Aquifer, this is where your water comes from. The EAA’s immersive 3d virtual tour begins in daylight near the pit entrance and ends here — the sump — the beginning of the Edwards Aquifer.
Judging by the powdery piles of mine tailings, our capture team planted the first footprints here, the first to really see it. Two miners locked inside a confined cabin in the mining machine can’t really see out, too much dust, they excavate and leave. With virtual lighting the user sees even more.
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Nulla facilisis venenatis risus, in congue elit ullamcorper vel. Vestibulum in porttitor arcu. Nulla varius nisi pretium lacus aliquet id vestibulum est tempus. Quisque ultricies dictum scelerisque. Nulla eleifend ligula a mi commodo vitae malesuada enim luctus. Suspendisse tellus ipsum, aliquet venenatis convallis in, porta eu nibh.
Morbi facilisis hendrerit blandit. Fusce a lacus a diam egestas tincidunt quis id sem. Proin non risus ac risus rhoncus scelerisque a et est. Nunc gravida placerat pretium. Proin convallis nunc nisl, eu commodo eros. Nam adipiscing rutrum enim nec condimentum. Pellentesque et purus vitae leo sagittis tempus et sit amet sapien.